Industrial Design.
A process which is applied to products that will be manufactured through mass production techniques. The goal of the industrial design process is to develop products in a way that is mutually beneficial for both the end user and the manufacturer. The end goal of the process is to strike a balance between form, materials, manufacturing techniques, transport, installation, maintenance, aesthetics, and of course, cost.
Design is a process, not improvisation.
Projects may vary, but the starting point is always the same. An idea, a simple sketch on a piece of paper, a concept...
The initial idea is developed into the Design Brief which will serve as the foundation of the design. The design team’s job is to guide the concept through the process of development, review, and refinement until said product is deemed to be ready for production.
Research, 2D sketches, 3D models, visualisations, and prototypes are all tools used by the design team to keep the project focused and ensure the intended design is conveyed to the engineering team.
Expert support standing by...
Valmont Stainton offers first hand contact with a talented team of designers. The design team serves as a creative link between you and our technical teams. This added layer of service ensures that your idea is faithfully translated from concept to reality.
From creation to production...
Each piece of lighting furniture Valmont produces is systematically developed and assessed in the light of aesthetic, technical, economic and environmental criteria.
Our engineering teams are dedicated to using the technology and expertise of the group which are best suited to the product:
*By respecting the designer’s work.
*By keeping the visual impact of technical constraints to a minimum.
*By ensuring an impeccable finish and at the same time limiting environmental impact.
A consistent vision.
The systematic use of 3D at the industrial design stage makes it possible to visualise and validate each detail of the product. Linking it with the production tools ensures that the finished product is identical to the developed idea. All Steel, Aluminium and Wood Structures are subject to weather conditions such as wind and are developed in conformity with current regulations.
Engineered for the global market.
Having developed our own software, Valmont can calculate and guarantee the resistance of its columns with respect to more than 20 International standards and regulations.
Valmont also ensures that its production is in line with sustainable development by making its products lighter, using recyclable materials and favouring local manufacturing and logistics.
Mixing materials, products, and skills to create new possibilities.
Valmont is unique in the column industry given our experience in a wide range of construction materials. It is this expertise that allows us to mix and match a wide range of materials and product types within the scope of a single project. Mixity opens the door to creativity and opportunity allowing for tailor-made solutions to match our customers technical, aesthetic and budgetary needs perfectly.
Mixing materials to serve product design.
Materials all have their own intrinsic properties. Valmont has a high level of experience with Steel, Aluminium, Laminated Timber, Polyester, Stainless Steel and even Corten Steel.
This level of flexibility enables Valmont to select the material or materials that are best suited for your project.
Mixing products to optimise large installations.
Valmont offers an extensive range of products covering a myriad of applications. This great range of options make it possible for design teams to realize their vision with an unparalleled degree of fidelity.
Think about a large installation such as a hospital, here we encounter multiple areas with varying uses. Entrance roads, refuse areas (for waste / rubbish / recycling), car parks (staff / visitor), social spaces for patients, main entrance, drop off points, children’s play areas must all be addressed.
In the past, it was a common practice to select a single mid-ranged product and roll it out across the breadth of a project. While this method is effective, it is far from efficient. Mixity offers an alternative approach. If we are sensitive to the context of each area we can select “value added” solutions only where beneficial and lower calibre options in low traffic areas.
In our approach we maximise the use of “low end” and “high end” solutions with a sensitive consideration to the installation areas... Installing an anodized aluminium pole in refuse areas, waste? Using a stepped tubular galvanised finish pole in refuse areas, logical?
This approach is not ground breaking, but the prospect of dealing with multiple suppliers for individual products can be seen as high risk. Valmont offers you the opportunity to channel all of these products via a single source supplier bringing this added value approach within reach....
Galvanised Step Tubular Columns:
Refuse areas (for waste / rubbish / recycling)
Bespoke Columns:
Main Entrances, exits, social spaces, and children’s play areas.
Aluminium Columns:
Car parks, access roads, drop off points
Wood Columns:
Entrance roads to site and to main building